Private Coaching [1-on-1 & Groups]

Whatever your ability right now, we can help take your skateboarding to the next level!

Free Mind Skate School’s private skateboard coaching program is open to all ages, genders, and skill levels. We focus on building a strong sense of community, while promoting safe and consistent progression on a skateboard. We facilitate private coaching sessions for large groups, small groups, and specialize in 1-on-1 sessions. These sessions are skills and confidence based sessions that can be planned to suit the specific needs and desired outcomes of the individual participant.

The skills component focusses on fundamental movements and positioning of the body required to learn how to skateboard, learn new tricks, and naturally advance to a higher skill level. The confidence component focusses on participants learning how to ‘read’ the skatepark, know their own ability, and become creative with what they can already do which will help promote further progress beyond the coaching session.

We also run several beginner classes for adults, including a female only class, so to all the parents reading this…. we want to skate with you to!

For more information regarding this program, please contact us at:

Skate Contest Coaching

Drawing on years of experience as a contest judge and event organiser, Josh can tailor Contest Coaching packages specifically to suit the desired outcomes for you or your child.

Very much like our private skate coaching program, these sessions are skill and confidence based sessions that can be planned and tailored to suit the specific needs of the individual participant. This program will give you or your child the edge needed to progress in competitive skateboarding, with a focus on line building, time management, trick selection, as well as understanding competition format and judging criteria.

Whether you do 1 session, or a 5 week program, we will identify strengths that you can play to and gain the upper hand at the next competition. A positive state of mind is essential for success on competition day, and understanding the fundamentals covered in this program promotes that positive state of mind going into the next event.

Josh is also a member of the judging panel for The Rumble pro-series skateboarding competition series, Simon and Josh both have vast experience judging various amateur-league competition series, and two of our coaches Jack and Jimmy often compete in the Open Male division at both the pro and amateur level. Coach Jack even finished on the podium at the recent Southern Ruble pro-series event in Adelaide.

When it comes to skate contest coaching, we don’t just talk the talk… we live it!

For more information regarding a tailored contest coaching program, please contact us at: